Enlist spies to gather crucial intel on rival civilizations, steal precious resources, and even topple governments.Carry influence with nearby city states to gain its diplomatic allegiance and earn game-changing city-state bonuses.From primitive first interactions where conflict is a fact of life, to late game alliances and negotiations. As the game progresses, so do your diplomatic relationships.Cultivate the civilization that fits your playstyle, or switch it up every time you play!.Explore the Civics tree to unlock powerful new governments and cultural policies Research isn’t just limited to science.Boost your civilization’s progress through history to unlock powerful bonuses before anyone else! To advance more quickly, use your units to actively explore, develop your environment, and discover new cultures.

Build better than your opponents, place yourself strategically for your allies, and become the best civilization on Earth. The already marvelous Civilization VI makes the jump to PS4 almost entirely intact, and with the addition of two meaty expansions, this is an essential title for console strategy.Pick and choose which districts to build to fit your needs! Unlike its previous installment, Revolution 2 is exclusively for mobile devices. From the Commercial Hub to the Spaceport, every district provides unique and powerful bonuses. Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution 2 (called Civilization Revolution 2 or CivRev2 for short) is the sequel to Civilization Revolution.

Each district, wonder, and improvement is built on its own hex, allowing you to customize your city to your heart’s content.